Somehow breakfast morphed into making things simultaneously...

Timo constructed a fighter plane.

'The Creature From Pretty Butterfly Chicken Horse Snake Monkey-Head Land'. Written and illustrated by Timo, Caoimhe and Ruth.

Timo's helicopter made from his imagination. He has been keen on buying a plastic remote control helicopter he saw at the toy shop and telling every visiting person about it. Finally a good friend backed us up and surprisingly responded with a frank "oh Timo, that sounds like rubbish, you would be much better off to make one yourself". Said friend's father was a pilot so Timo thinks she should know. He hasn't said a word about the helicopter since and was so happy and pleased with himself when he engaged in the process of making his own helicopter with moving roters and everything he wanted it to be.
Now, how to make and attach motor so it can fly...

A gift of lillies from a friend.

Organised chaos. Timo is making something else with lego, Caoimhe is making a hospital and Lennox is tending to the teddy patients.

Timo explains his plans and what he has constructed accordingly in the sandpit.

Caoimhe's pin wheel scones and person.

Timo and Caoimhe made a soup, took all afternoon with everything involved including

picking delicious greens from the garden. They were soo good they were being eaten raw, especially the purple sprouting broccoli.

Ray Mears inspired bush craft and fire starting.

Made a dress for Caoimhe.

Mincing ? and very interested children in the process.