The audience for Timo's spectacular performance he set up and charged $3 per head for! He had set up the space with spotlight (torch) and all. It was hilarious to say the least.

Spider girl got to perform at intermission.

Help! Help! I'm late for the cheetah princess ball!

A ride with the babies that Lennox is very sweet at looking after.

Just a small catch up since the last post. We were all pretty much bed ridden sick that lasted for about 10 days in which time we took it pretty slow and had a lovely time mooching around the fire doing various things (Timo beat me at draughts on one occasion! And Caoimhe at a later date and I still don't know how it happened, I was 2 counters down to start with though...). Timo and Jeremy starting motoring through the Narnia series and are now up to the 3rd book The Horse and His Boy. Had time to peruse some other lovely book such as these I bought from the book depository (thank you Grandma Prue for funding these purchases) that are just lovely for this time with Spring just around the corner and the very first leaves of the Oak tree have appeared and we managed to spot them this year.

Lots of projects going on of various kinds from digging tunnels under the house to constructing butterflies, catching up with friends coming back and going overseas. About 40 packets of seeds are about to turn up in the post so it'll be all action stations for seed propogation to create our lovely lush garden we are going to have this year and in the process of re-shaping etc. Timo and I had a trip to the local museum in response to some questioning about how old the town is, how old are the buildings? etc, didn't actually find a lot at the museum unfortunately, we will probably get in touch with the Buller history and genealogy group. The Christchurch Symphony Orchestra are stationed at Westport North School this week so Timo's going to join their junior orchestra today and there will be a public performance tomorrow straight after work at Granity Playcentre, it's going to be a busy day! Preparations for change going on in general and of course there is implicit learning across all of our curriculum areas all the time. There's also hockey which Timo is getting more and more skilled at each game, have heard the coach describe one of his games as "AWESOME!" which I'm sure is local lingo for he played with skill and a kind of passion, and he got a write up in the local newspaper. Also had another random member of the public, a grandmother, tap me on the shoulder to tell me a lovely story about a holiday programme day that Timo went to in the school holidays and when talking about what her grand daughter's highlight of the day was, she said it was having Timo there and that "he's so lovely". A similar story from another mum who works at REAP who have been in touch with to organise visiting groups or people of interest. Have requested Ruud Kleinplaste, aka, The Bug Man.
J and I also had time to revisit a favourite and humourous TED talk and person talking about education... Sir Ken Robinson:
and in this one it is drawn by a creative friend of a creative friend, an example of the 6 degrees of separation theory.