Industrious, making cakes, biscuits and muffins.

First go at pavers. We had 6 children and 2 adults including me carrying Lennox and in the persisting down rain. It was not that fun for me but the kids seem to have good time.

Trying new season nectarines, not very sweet actually. This was just after we went for an explore in the bush behind our friend's (we have a few different friends around who have properties like this) paradisical coastal property south of Westport. We had a look at one of their penguin burrows which had a chick and a parent in there, we thought it was the Dad as he seemed pretty (and understandably) cranky for opening up their safe home, a mother would be too no doubt. They were stinky! Caoimhe thought. It felt pretty special to be able to have a look at these guys, they are pretty rare the
Blue Penguins, on the West Coast and in NZ numbers are declining overall but numbers have increased locally this year. Timo and Reuben found no rats or stoats in the 42 traps they checked last week.

This photo below is taken from about 1m away from their couch in their living room. Nice eh! Timo and Caoimhe had a good play in the sea with body boards, about the third dip so far this year. It's great living so close to beaches.