raising seeds and plants, all of which are listed down the side panel on this blog:

et al ready for planting:

start of strawberry and herb patch:

beans growing, cannelinis did not like the wintery weather last week, they almost died, other bean varieties all fine:

another successful patch sowed mid-winter:

garlic galore:
fukuoka inspired changes to parts of garden:

a potato patch:

seed collecting with latest chicken dome:

broad beans and potatoes with netting for wind protection and new patch for growing things on vine:

cabbage and other brassicas planted mid winter doing really well and pest free (white cabbage moths appear to only lay eggs on young brassicae plants):

seeds on the go:

hot house ready to go with a few tomatoes on the go and other things have already eaten by slugs and snails, this is one of the effects of mulching! it provides a nice home for pests:

peas and things:

seedlings doing well:

latest attempt to combat slugs and snails with limechip around perimeter of the covered garden, it really is disheartening when you grow plants from seed and overnight they are eaten completely. This is working well so far, have planted marigolds all around also: