A journal of some of life's snippets here at Martins Creek.
The old pond--
a frog jumps in,
sound of water. ~ Matsuo Basho (haiku)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
From the concert yesterday:
A really wonderful, happy and successful afternoon. We even had two middle aged gate crashers. Jeremy made all the 50 or so falafel in lovely soft breads for everyone, I made origami pockets to hold them in and Caoimhe decorated them and Timo helped to stick the folds down, unfortunately no pics of the complete product, but lots of well received feedback about the whole event.
Lennox is not really a concert or large number of people at a gathering person, at the moment. He took himself off to a more quiet space and happily played by himself, I didn't realise he was actually playing with Rebecca's sourdough - sorry guys! It's salvagable however.