Alack and alas as I have no pictures to tell any of the story, but we had a really fun workshop with Dr Sarah the Scientist this morning, which Timo would have loved. She's going to be a great resource, especially as we can keep in touch and ask her anything and she's going to give some good book recommendations as she teaches young ones and runs a science club. Caoimhe enjoyed it and said "it was really exciting", I thought it could be all a bit heavy for a 4 year old, but the hands on style of the workshop was suitable for our group that ranged in age from 21 months (Lennox) to 18, all home educators. The first experiment was chromatography and the process of felt pen colour separation and movement with the absorpbtion of water on blotting paper; the next was playing with polymers and tiny beads expanding into much bigger squishy ones that are transparent in water (Caoimhe's favourite and we got to take some home to play with), the next was floating a Japanese yen coin that we also got to take home and talking about water molecules and surface tension etc and metals etc, the next was playing with a pipette and hypothesising how many drops it would take to xyz... A few other things but generally a lot of fun and this lady was so inspiring! Another passionate person about what she does. We'll have her back next year too for another go, maybe she'll come to our house.
The rest of the day was spent planting out seeds, seedlings and Caoimhe made 2 pairs of binoculars as gifts for friends.