Riding for the first time, they were both naturals. Timo is trotting up there and did a couple of jumps too. This could be a case of parent living vicariously through child.

Gabriella who goes to school heard that Timo was coming to visit so her Mother let her have the whole day off school for the occasion. We were all happy about that! And they had immense fun together.

They put on shows for us including 2 plays. One about a ball including prince and princesses etc, the other about pirates and prince rescues etc. They all appeared to have a good time in the process.

Peeking at battles between Prince and dragon.

They played all sorts of games,

Wait for me!..

Dancing on table.

He copies just what he sees, so it's his turn to dance on the table. He particularly likes to have a good time and move to show it.